Lesson 1.

Heroic introduction in

And also:

  • History of HTML and its significance
  • Key concepts
  • Editing HTML
  • Publishing our first HTML page on the internet
  • Learning the first HTML tags

Part 0.

Preparing for the Lesson


We will need two programs for our work:

  1. Visual Studio Code © - we will write code here.
  2. Google Chrome © - we will view the results here.

Both programs support plugins from third-party developers.

To avoid manually refreshing the page, we will use the LiveReload © plugin for Visual Studio Code © and Google Chrome ©.

To get started, simply install them.


I call it a social network for programmers, where instead of photos and posts, your code is showcased. To get started, simply register and, if you wish, add me as a friend and give a like (star) to the hipstacoding website.

Part 1.

History of HTML


  • British scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the world's first browser called World Wide Web (abbreviated as WWW) at CERN in Geneva.

World Wide Web browser


  • The same guy invents the HyperText Markup Language, also known as HTML, designed for structuring and formatting documents on the World Wide Web.
  • This year marks the appearance of the world's first website

First Browser War


Netscape vs Internet Explorer

  • 1995 In Netscape, employee Brandan Eich created JavaScript in 10 days and initially named it Mocha.
  • 1996 Microsoft implemented the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) language into Internet Explorer.
  • 1997 Microsoft added Internet Explorer to Windows.
  • 1999 Internet Explorer displaced Netscape from the market.

Branda Eich

Second Browser War or "Browser Zoo"


Internet Explorer vs:

  • Netscape, which became Mozilla Firefox
  • Apple Safari
  • Opera Mini
  • Google Chrome

Why is HTML needed and who needs it?

Front-End Developers

Front-End developers need to have a thorough understanding of HTML and CSS. The Front-End development process looks like this:

  • Building the document structure using HTML.
  • Adding styling using CSS.
  • Writing JavaScript code for interactive components.

All Other Developers

HTML is still the best and sometimes the only way to create a user interface.

UI/UX Designers

Any good UI/UX designer should know how HTML and CSS work in order to create proper interfaces. Additionally, a designer who can code will be more valued in the job market.

SEO Specialists

For client-side search engine optimization, it is necessary to modify HTML tags, albeit sometimes indirectly.


Marketers usually do not know HTML, but they deal with emails written in HTML on a daily basis, as well as services that are embedded into websites through HTML (e.g., Google Analytics). Therefore, they constantly rely on developers to assist them. By having knowledge of how HTML works, they can do it themselves and thereby increase their market value.

Where Can You See HTML?

Key concepts


  • a program through which you access the Internet.
Still alive 😭

Good newsBad news


  • a standardized markup language for web pages on the World Wide Web.

© Wikipedia


  • text that differs from ordinary text in that it contains hyperlinks (here

Markup language

<b>Markup Language</b> <i>(from English: Markup Language)</i> 
- a way of writing text that contains additional 
information about its presentation or structure.

Markup Language (from English: Markup Language) - a way of writing text that contains additional information about its presentation or structure.


A unit of the HTML language. Tags are used to denote the structure of an HTML document, define its metadata and content.

Bug (software bug)

An error in a program's code that leads to an unexpected result. The term originated in the days when computing machines occupied entire rooms.

Bugs can occur both due to developer errors and as a result of mistakes in development tools.

Getting Started with HTML

If we simplify it greatly, the internet is a collection of HTML files that are hosted on special computers called servers.

Let's create your first HTML file!

Action🔥 Hotkey / Icon
Create a folder my-websiteN
Open VSCode
Open folder in VSCodeO
Create a new fileN
Save the empty fileS
Name the file index.html
A little bit of magic!

In WEB the first page that is opened to the user to be named index.html.

google.com === google.com/index.html

To facilitate development, it is recommended to install the LiveReload plugin, which will automatically reload the page every time we save it.

: P -> LiveReload: Enable/Disable server: Click on the button in the extension panel

Structure of page in HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
    content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Name of the tab</title>
  <!-- Visual part goes here -->
<!DOCTYPE html>

The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration tells the interpreter that HTML version 5 will be used in the document.

<html lang="en">

The <html> tag is the opening tag for an HTML document. It is a required root tag. The lang attribute specifies the language of the document and is also required.

The lang attribute accepts values in the BCP47 format. It may sound intimidating, but in practice, it is mostly "en" for English. However, if you need to specify another language, you can find or verify its code using the provided link.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
    content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Name of the tab</title>
  <!-- Visual part goes here -->

The head tag contains meta-information for the browser. Here is a list of tags that it can include.

<meta />

The meta tag describes metadata.

Metadata is data that describes other data. Meta tags heavily depend on the attributes declared within them.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
    content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Name of the tab</title>
  <!-- Visual part goes here -->
  <meta charset="UTF-8">

The meta tag specifies the character encoding.

Gibberish characters in 99.9% of cases indicate encoding issues.

If gibberish characters appear in the browser, it means the charset attribute in the meta tag was incorrectly specified.

If gibberish characters appear in a file, it means either the file was saved with the wrong encoding or it is being read with the wrong encoding.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
    content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Name of the tab</title>
  <!-- Visual part goes here -->
    content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

The meta tag responsible for proper display on mobile phones. In essence, it specifies that the viewport width should be equal to the device width, and the initial scale should not be changed (neither zoomed out nor zoomed in, but set to 1).

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
    content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Name of the tab</title>
  <!-- Visual part goes here -->
  <title>Name of the tab</title>

The title of the tab. It is very important for search engine optimization.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
    content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Name of the tab</title>
  <!-- Visual part goes here -->
  <!-- Visual part goes here -->

The body tag of the document. It contains the visual content of the HTML document. There can only be one <body /> tag on a page.

Text in HTML

  don't care
          or   more     than      one      space
▲ ▲

HTML don't care about indentation, tabulations, or more than one space ▲ ▲ ▲
descriptionsymbolletter codenumeric code
Non-breaking space &nbsp;&#160;
Space none 😔&#32;
Less than (less then)<&lt;&#60;
Greater than (greater then)>&gt;&#62;

Full list of HTML special characters

Indentations are achieved using the <p /> tag, which is named after the word "paragraph".

The HTML specification prohibits nesting <p /> tags inside another <p /> tag, so indentations within <p /> are achieved using the <br /> tag.

Headings in HTML

<h1>Heading level 1</h1>
<h2>Heading level 2</h2>
<h3>Heading level 3</h3>
<h4>Heading level 4</h4>
<h5>Heading level 5</h5>
<h6>Heading level 6</h6>

HTML Property No. 0

HTML allows you to make mistakes

For example, nothing prevents you from having multiple h1 headings on a page, but it is considered that there should be only one.

Indentation in HTML

  Indentation in HTML is achieved using the <p> tag.
  Indentation within the <p> tag is created using the <br /> tag.

HTML Property №1

Tag Pairing

  • Paired tags can contain text within them (such as the <p></p> tag).
  • Non-paired tags cannot contain text within them (such as the <br /> tag).

Lists in HTML

  <li>Unordered list item 1</li>
  <li>Unordered list item 2</li>

  • Unordered list item 1
  • Unordered list item 2
  <li>Numbered list item 1</li>
  <li>Numbered list item 2</li>

  1. Numbered list item 1
  2. Numbered list item 2

HTML Property No. 2

Tag Nesting

Nesting - the property of tags to contain other tags.

The most important rule of nesting is that the last opened tag should be closed first.

<ul><li>Element of the list</ul></li> <!-- Incorrect -->
<ul><li>Element of the list</li></ul> <!-- Correct -->


  title="Click me"
  Link text

HTML Property No. 3

Tag Attributes

An attribute (tag attribute) is an additional property of HTML elements. All HTML elements have common attributes and specific attributes.

All attributes in HTML are treated as strings.

The attribute href (Hyper REFerence) accepts the URL address of a link.

Website deployment